Evolutionary biology and evolutionary neuroscience is a huge field anyone talks about evolution talks from their aproach.We will look towards to understand why this functionally arive and why do we have such a brain and other animals have different funciton.

If we think evolution a change through out time, nowadays we say that there is no more natural selection because we developed the high tech to survive. Even now there is some type of selection occurs where it is very slow. When we look at the main tech of human tech everything starts from brain. Our brain is adaptive to the environment. But how and why is the main question. Driving forces are the survival and the reproduction and the most important term is the adaptation. 
If we are adapted then we survive and reproduce. We have lots of species and they all arise from similar structures. But all have different adaptations to develop. For instance; eagles have developed their eyes that they can zoom in very closely even they are too far away from the object.All have different characteristic proporties. Common to all of them the main adaptation system is the brain. It is the most important executive center.

If you look at the sculp of the earlier homosapiens and the ancestor of the homosapiens shows us the capacity. Sculp will tell us about the volume of the brain (endocranial volume ) and lobes and also how the other senses located unless we cannot see the neurons connections. Closeness of the eyes for example...

The turning point of increasing the endocranial volume depends mostly on the using the tools. When they started to use and crave some tools their sculp started to get enlarged especially, the frontal lobe.
All these are the results of the survival instinct. We cant really say that they have a language but the system started to change and they started to developed different cultures. There is a probability that they developed a language which is still a hypothesis..

If you compare the human brain and the earlier brains there are huge differences in the area of somatasensory areas ,motor cortex,  auidotory cortex, olfactory area, visual area. All these depends on their natural environment .
The human cerebral cortex is vastly expanded relative to other primates and disproportionately occupied by distributed association regions. The rapid expansion of the cortical mantle may have untethered large portions of the cortex from strong constraints of molecular gradients and early activity cascades that lead to sensory hierarchies.

Small brained can actually be a sign of a genius. Where the neural connections get much important. Formation of new synapses , folding patterns, gray matter thickness arive in the human brain. It is there for cerebral cortex told to say that increases cell number. If you try to connect two neurons that are far apart you are increasing the time and energy so functional specilization arise.

Change is more prominent in the white matter. Gray matter increases steeply where the white matter stays more prominent.  So use it and do not waste it :)



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